WHAT IS IT? Eliminate duplicates in excel is a tool that allows us to remove repeated data, either in rows and/or columns. When we work with a lot of information…
To create pivot tables in excel it is important to know that this is an excel tool widely used to organize, summarize, group and analyze information in a...
Data validation in Excel is a very useful tool when we want to restrict or delimit the information in each of the Excel cells, between…
When we have files downloaded from tools other than Excel, we find a text contained in a single column, which is separated either by...
To RESET or RESET Bios UEFI you must take into account: You have a computer with any windows 11, 8, 10, 7 has UEFI standard, so in this video...
To know how to RESET BIOS on my PC, you just have to take into account: You have a computer with any Windows 11, 8, 10, 7, it manages to have a standard BIOS, so…
[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text]How to convert an image to text, in this little tutorial we will see how to use a text scanner for images on Android. Have you always wanted to spend a…
How you can create an app for android and publish it in the app store Play Store. Today we are going to talk about this, what are the ways to create…
Learn how to configure and install Android studio, in this tutorial you will see how to download the Android SDK, so that you can create your incredible mobile applications for…
Today we are going to show you our APP CopyText the notepad on Android, it is an application for notes and notes, CopyText has something different from the others...