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about page

Filetech was built as a Youtube channel that grew little by little, but Youtube never monetized it before it ended up closing it, so Filetech remained as an idea to distribute technology and make better use of it and to learn new things, we make tutorials and much more. Currently our YouTube channel is called Univertech, which you can search for if you want.


My name is Johan Astudillo Systems Engineer, Colombian, currently finishing my computer security studies


We want to continue to be honest with our readers and users, to maintain a good relationship with them and to position ourselves more and more in internet search engines. 

Final goal or vision: 
We want to become the number one website in computing, surpass the greats in this great industry, since many are dedicated to technology blogs, always having an integrated website and respecting all our users interested in technology issues. , complying with the rules of Google Adsense and advertising on Google Adwords and improve our other services and web pages and gradually become a conglomerate.


As I already told you, the obstacle was buying the web domain, another obstacle is also getting Google Adsense to accept us, as you know Google is very strict when it comes to accepting its advertising sources, including our YouTube channels (Filetech and Filetech Games ) have not been accepted by Google Adsense and were deleted due to copyright, we hope to return with a new UniverTech and UniverTech Games project.