Productive and leisure activities that you can do in quarantine
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Productive and leisure activities that you can do in quarantine


In many parts of the world, quarantine has been implemented, so half the world cannot leave their homes due to Covid-19 or Coronavirus, people are bored, Not knowing where to spend your time.

Here are activities you can do in quarantine.


The first thing is to recommend the productive things and that you can take advantage of in the quarantine, since I think that this is what should be done in quarantine.


Remember that Isaac Newton did the fundamentals of the law of gravity in quarantine, so this is your moment.


1. Read: the benefits of reading are enormous, from training your memory and having more knowledge, there are thousands of platforms where you can get thousands of books for free, as is the case with openlibra either wattpad and if you want any kind of books, you can get them on Android or iOS operating systems, at google play books either Apple Books.


2. Courses: You can enter hundreds of courses online without any price, even on platforms like Youtube You can search for “Course of…” and you will probably find courses of your interest, there are free courses on Udemy and hundreds of other platforms, just search a little on Google and you will find a lot of content.

3. Exercise:  Exercise is fundamental and brings benefits such as feeling better and having better health, but there is a fact that no one can doubt, EXERCISE IS FREE, no gym needed, how do you think people used to exercise without machines or a gym? The gym is not essential, for this you can see applications in the playstore or appstore such as Home Workout or Youtube videos such as Spanish p4p.


4. Finish projects: That book that you thought about writing, that online business that you thought about setting up, it's time to do it, do those projects that you thought about doing a while ago and you couldn't “Due to lack of time”.


5. Learn a skill: you can learn to dance, to write with your left hand, to cook, practice those weak skills you have at home.



Leisure or entertainment activities:

I know that you need to relax at some point, so these are another 5 but related to leisure and entertainment, my ideal with this post is that you focus on the productive ones.

1. Play video games: Not all games are on consoles like ps4 and xbox one, there are very good games in the App store and Play Store on your cell phone and totally free, currently one is very fashionable which is "parchis", games that I can recommend are "PUBG, Brawl Starts, Call of duty, UNO, Stop" Just go to the games section and look for the best free ones, you will surely find one that you will like.

2. Get out those board games: As a family you can get those games like parks, chess and other board games you have out of the dustbin and play with your family.

3. Social networks: I don't know why everyone is downloading Tik Tok, but then try to install it and take advantage of it, I have seen that it has topics such as learning Excel in a few minutes with several educational accounts, start using social networks to explore new things, search for topics, join groups on Facebook, like the technology one we have Click here 

4. Video calls: Make a group on Whatsapp and make those video calls with your whole group of friends and talk about what they will do when this happens.

5. Watch series or movies: Here if I can not recommend illegal pages where they put movies recently released, but you can buy the Netflix plan, Amazon Prime video or HBO+, if you like series choose netflix, if you like movies amazon prime video has more, if you like game of thrones choose HBO.


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