What is Spyware? - FileTech Digital Entrepreneurship, Tutorials & Technology
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What is Spyware?


Spyware: Spyware is a type of malware that installs itself on the computer and without the owner's consent sends information to an external entity about everything that is collected on that machine. Spyware usually installs itself on an affected system using hardware components of the computer such as RAM and CPU.   


Browser hijacking.

CoolWebSearch: controls the browser and therefore what the victimizer wants.

How to defend yourself?

To install Antivirus and Firewall is fundamental to defend this type of attack, or spyware the Spyware comes more related to ethical attack since it gives information of what we do to an internal damage of our machine. 

Do not install pirated software, understanding that licensed applications are purchased and not cracked is an important part of avoiding the risk of Spyware.

Do not visit websites that we do not consent to that are not malicious, avoiding adult pages is fundamental in this method. 

Keep our applications completely updated, having an old version means that there may be vulnerabilities and possible Spyware may be installed. 

Opinions about this malware:

It is a malware that does not damage our machine, or our software, but it is against the human, it can be harmful to our privacy, as the Spyware makes a collection of our data, or what we do on our device and sends it to a remote location where we have no idea who is behind the computer, that is why we must be careful, when downloading files on the internet, usually the spyware is hidden in a trojan because the trojan is downloaded along with a file that is not supposed to be malicious, in itself the Spyware can be in the category of trojans. 

Lethality level of the virus: Medium High

Scope of infected computers: Media

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