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It is a disruptive technology:

Because it aims to change the paradigm of classical computing since it can do a gigantic number of operations with just a few Qubits, which is the smallest unit of these large machines. By telling you that only 30 Qubits are equal to the ridiculous amount of 10 TERAFLOPS, that is much more than the teraflops of the Xbox One Scarlett, which is the most powerful console revealed to date, which only has 6 teraflops with millions of transistors in it. their processors. So we see that with few qubits we can easily reach the classical bits in power.

¿Why does quantum computing appear?

Mainly classical computing occurs because classical computing is reaching its limit, and this conclusion is reached by someone very important within classical computing and this is Gordon Moore. Moore said that transistors decrease by twice their size approximately every two years and is known as Moore's Law, which appeared on April 19, 1965 and remained that way for many years. Until very recently Moore said that My law will cease to be fulfilled within 10 or 15 years,” causing computing to stagnate and there being no progress, so the idea of quantum computing appears as a replacement for classical computing.

Moore's law growth wikipedia image:

Image result for Moore's law


How do you intend to be? Paradigm and operation

In classical computing we only have 2 options 1 and 0 (1 presence of current 0 absence of current)

making an A in Ascii code look like this

A=01000001  What is the number 65 to be able to convert it to binary?

In quantum there are 3 states, it can be 1 or 0 and both at the same time.

This is due to the phenomenon of quantum mechanics where particles can be in two places at the same time, quantum computing works with atoms making the phenomenon appear

In quantum computing it would be the letter A, they would all be at 1 and all at zero, in order to know which one we are looking for, Grover's algorithm is used.



Quantum superposition: Where is the particle? Is it a wave or a particle

If we do not observe the electron, it behaves as a wave. When we observe it, it behaves as a particle.

A particle works very differently than a wave. The wave expands as it moves and the particle is located throughout space and time.


Begining of uncertainty: If I observe the speed or location of the electron, can I determine the other behavior?

It is impossible to know where the position of an electron is in an atom and its speed if I observe one, the other is indeterminate. If I observe its speed it changes its position.


Quantum entanglement: How do two particles become entangled?

This is fundamental in computing, since it is how they work, when one entangles a particle, when one changes state, the other automatically changes to the other state no matter how far away they are, even if they are separated throughout the universe.


Quantum teleportation: Are they exchanging information?

It is the channel where information is exchanged


What is the problem with quantum computing?

  • Quantum computers must be at very low temperatures and in vacuum conditions where no one can observe them.
  • THEY CANNOT BE OBSERVED, this is because if they are observed the information is changed and they are altered so they automatically change state and do not give accurate information.
  • They are probabilistic, their results are not accurate because they handle probability, they may have 99% for sure the answer, it may be the answer but they probably are not because they tend to make mistakes by not giving exact results but rather probabilistic ones.

Finally I want to cover Will quantum computing put an end to classical computing?

The answer in my opinion is a resounding NO because quantum computing can be very fast but since it is not exact and with so many problems it presents, it will never put an end to classical computing, what I believe is that quantum computers will merge, for example. They can be stored on servers where classical computers make requests and verifications. For a problem, quantum computing releases the probability of the answer and the classical computer confirms it.

This is just my theory although it cannot be like that, I do not have the absolute truth but given what has been analyzed I see a replacement as very unlikely in the way we think, of having a home quantum computer, as we have one now, if they sell it they will still need the classical bond or other future technology that is not the most quantum safe

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