Professional Programs and their Free Alternatives - Replaceable paid software
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Professional Programs and their Free Alternatives – Replaceable Paid Software


We have all had to use some professional paid software at some point, such as Windows, Photoshop, Office and unfortunately, many people have it pirated, well let me tell you that doing this is not the most correct thing to do, if you make money with that program, the ideal is that you pay for it. My opinion is that if you are not making money yet, then learn to use professional software and the company where you will work will require you to use such software.

The problem with acquiring paid software is that in third world countries it is very difficult for them to acquire a license to be able to use that software. Someone in the third world can find it cheap to buy a license, but it is difficult for these countries.

Image result for Software

That's why a great alternative is to use free software. I will show you which free software could replace paid software.


Image result for office logo


Image result for libre office logo

We have all used Word, Excel or PowerPoint, which are the most used programs in this Suite, but a mistake is to think that this Suite is free, you have to pay per year as a service, but if you are a student, you can get Office 365 free and legal Click here. 

But if not, a great alternative is LibreOffice, which has spreadsheets, presentations and a word processor just like Office and is very powerful.

Free download Office:


File:Adobe Photoshop CC icon.svg


Image result for GIMP logo

Photoshop is a powerful image editor, it is the best known in this field, since any designer or photographer must learn Photoshop.

But a great alternative is GIMP, which is also an image editor in pixels, but it is completely free and its interface is very similar to that of Photoshop, it is available for Windows, Mac and Linux Download it here GIMP. 


3. Illustrator

File:Adobe Illustrator CC icon.svg


File:Inkscape Logo.svg

Illustrator is a vector graphics editing software, it means that by increasing its dimensions the object does not damage the resolution and is used by all design professionals and a good alternative to this program is inkscape which is totally free and open source software. Download Inkscape here.


Microsoft Logo Ms - Free vector graphic on Pixabay


Image result for Linux

I know that no one expected a last option operating system, but come on, an operating system is also software and if you want to have all the programs we mentioned, they are also found in Linux. A Windows license can cost 250 Dollars per machine, Linux 0$ and you will have an OS, very complete just like Windows and free, the only thing is that the Adobe or Office suite is not there, but as we saw there are all the other alternative programs. Download Linux Ubuntu here. 

We will be adding more Alternative Software to this entry. THANK YOU FOR READING. 


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