KALI LINUX The best distribution FOR HACKERS? The whole truth when using Kali Linux
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KALI LINUX The best distribution FOR HACKERS? The whole truth when using Kali Linux

Kali Linux a Linux distribution of the most famous in these times, thanks to the popularity of the hacker community and one of the most famous technology series in these times "Mr. robot". that distribution It is used to audit information systems, to do a correct Pentesting to organizations thanks to its pre-installed programs. Image result for kali linux It is a Linux distribution based on GNU/LINUX has been from the free software family. It is an operating system designed for computer security. It was released to the market on March 13, 2013. The Kali Linux distribution comes pre-installed with 600 programs. Image result for hacker

The main reason why hackers prefer it.

The reason why many IT professionals use it is simply because it has many programs related to computer security, so it would be very difficult to use debian or ubuntu for this purpose, since we have to install all the packages and programs to turn it into a machine related to computer security, therefore we use Kali Linux that already has installed the tools that we are possibly going to use. It has an infinite number of tools for computer security and ethical hacking.

Image result for kali linux

Most used Kali Linux programs

  1. wireshark: Scan all the traffic that goes through your local network and see if there are possible intruders.
  2. metasploit: A tool used for many purposes but the most common is to attack machines with exploits created through a database that compiles the metasploit framework
  3. nmap: One of my favorites, normally the use that is given is to scan the ports opened by some hosts in our network or public networks.
  4. SET: an application to do social engineering attacks, phishiong pharming and so on.
  5. Armitage, it works like metasploit, only it's more visual, and you can do different attacks on a host.
  6. aircrack: used to violate wi-fi passwords

Installation steps:

  1. Download the Kali ISO from the official site: https://www.kali.org/downloads/
  2. Download the RUFUS software (There you will find the Link):
  3. Install Kali in memory with the RUFUS program
  4. Boot from memory – look for Filetech youtube (if you don't know we'll show you how)
  5.  Follow the installation steps
  6. Finally you will have Kali Linux installed


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