What architecture is client/server? Understands the concepts and types of architecture
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What architecture is client/server? Understands the concepts and types of architecture


First we need to understand the key names

Server: is an application that is responsible for listening to requests or instructions

Customer: is the one that sends the instructions to the server

When we insert a URL in our browser it is to make a request to a server that is in another part of the world, the server takes this request and responds to us. The difference is that the server is much more powerful because it can send with many more clients. Whereas the clients only ask for something from the server it gives them something.

Many clients request a single computer for resources, they can be images, videos, texts or any type of data, we need a way to communicate, a protocol is needed. The protocols are no longer rules on different devices in order to communicate, that is, to speak the same language they must have the same rules, and to communicate the most common protocol is HTTP The hypertext transfer protocol is the most used on the web, mobile , browser asks the server for an image, the server receives the request and answers the image or it can request an html or an audio.


RED: Set of clients, servers, databases physically or non-physically linked in which there are information transmission protocols

Customer: requesting services (can be a computer, computer application which requires information from the network to operate

Server: service provider can be a computer or computer application that sends information to other network agents

Protocol: set of rules about the flow of information in a structured network

Services: is a set of information that seeks to solve the needs of a client (email)

Databases: Data storage


EXAMPLE OF CLIENT / SERVER USE: The internet has computers that connect around the world, which connect to the servers of internet providers and which redirect them to the pages you want to visit.



2-tier architecture: It is used to describe client-server systems, where the client requests resources and the server responds directly to the request with its own resources, which means that the server does not require a location to be part of the service.

3-tier architecture: It is used to describe client-server systems, where the client requests resources and the server cannot respond to this request with its own resources, this means that the server requires another application or server to provide part of the service.

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