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You are one of those who keeps on the Internet and you do not earn a single dollar, you must be doing something wrong, since the Internet has an end of ways to generate income and Today I am going to show you how you can generate income, through digital platforms. You have to know it's not easy, it's like working, you have to invest time and study to see profits.



1. Invest in stocks or cryptocurrencies

Image result for cryptocurrencies

In order to generate money by buying precious shares or materials such as gold, silver and cryptocurrencies, it is something too risky, since a bad move and you can lose everything, but just as you can lose everything, you can generate large sums of money in a short time, To be able to invest you need to go to a broker that is an intermediary, for the purchase of shares or others. This is done by installing applications on your mobile such as (Forex, Libertex, eToro and many more) look for them in the Play Store or App Store and learn to use them, they let you use money that does not exist to see if you are good at doing this.

2. Sell your products online

online shopping ecommerce consumer cart products consumerism icon purchase retail internet basket business buy communication concept connection customer design electronic flat global market marketing mobile order payment sale set sign store symbol technology website blue text cartoon human behavior font design graphic art zone line illustration circle graphics computer wallpaper clipart logo

If you have products to market, it's time to get some money out of it, If you sell, for example, clothes, accessories, you must position yourself in what is called e-commerce (Electronic commerce). I will show you how you can market your products.

  1. You can open your own Instagram for your store and sell it in your city with friends and organic advertising or paid advertising through instagram.
  2. Sell your products on third-party sites, such as Amazon, Mercado Libre, Ebay, among others.
  3. You can create your website to sell your products, you do not need to know programming, or anything like that, with Wix, PrestoShop or Shopify, it is easy to make your page, they will do all the work for you, you must invest in hosting and domain to start creating your web page and if you want more visits get publicity with Google Adwords.

3. Open your YouTube Channel or be an influencer

Image result for Youtube

You already have your brand positioned, By obligation you must have a YouTube channel, or you are simply talented in something and you have something you want to show the world, you can open your channel very easily, it is enough to have a gmail account and you automatically have a YouTube. If you are going to record yourself, try to invest in a good camera.

What are the frequently asked questions on this topic?

  • How do they pay me?

You have to create a Google Adsense account, it's very easy, the money comes from there

  • When do I start earning?

First your channel must be accepted after having 4000 hours of production and more than 1000 Subscribers.

  • How do I earn money and how much would it be?

You earn for how many visits you have, but more importantly if people start clicking on the ads that they put on your videos, you have to have many visits, it is not to discourage, but it is not easy to generate great profits in this medium, for the majority of people.

In case of being an influencer There are many ways, normally they use Instagram to communicate and you upload videos there, Instagram doesn't pay, you need brands to sponsor you, but that depends when you have a large level of subscribers.

4. Create a blog on the internet and start writing

Blog, Writing, Blogging, Coding, Programmer

If you are a company and you like to write, You can create a blog of any content, or even your brand, you need a blog out of obligation, That way more people find you. you need to use simple blogger or wordpress and again they do all the dirty work for you. Even this page is currently a Blog, when you click on the ads you generate commission and get paid.

  • How do I make money with a blog?

The same way as on YouTube, with ads, you put Google Adsense ads like the ones you can see throughout this post.

5. Use ad shorteners

You already have your channel, your brand, your website, your instagram, you can use ad shorteners, like Adfly, or another page that you like
Just create an account at adfly, You put any link and they give you a link to put in your networks, you publish it and you have a profit for each click. 


learn to program

Programming, Code, Code Editor, Team

As a last option I am going to leave the famous mobile applications, If you want to go to the big world of the internet, program an application and upload it to the PlayStore or AppStore, You will have to learn languages like Java, Android Studio to program natively on Android. Or Swift for iOs, it's somewhat complicated, plus Alphabet, the owner of Google, has to accept the application and if it's for iOs, Apple has to accept it, you'll also have to put ads if you want to earn money if the application is free, or sell it on the app store but it has to be too cool.

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