You're old, but this old? Memes in technology You'll feel identified - FileTech Digital entrepreneurship, Tutorials and Technology
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You're old, but this old? Memes in technology You will feel identified


You're old, but this old? The best memes in technology. If you are an adult you will feel identified with this section of technological memes, we know you will remember them very well. 

The best memes of you're old, but this old?

We will use the following images for informational and educational purposes 

  • My first insert

Resultado de imagen para mi primera encartaThis application on the Windows system, where we could learn about history, science, landscapes, regions, literature, art and countless other things.was replaced as we all started to have access to the Internet. 

  • Clippy

Resultado de imagen para asistente de word

The Office assistant that we could ask him anythingMicrosoft said goodbye to it little by little, until removing the office assistant interface.


  • MSN

Resultado de imagen para messenger msnIt was an instant messaging program, Microsoft's era that was replaced by new social networks such as Facebook or applications such as Skype, which by the way Microsoft bought.

  • MS DOS

Resultado de imagen para ms dos

MS DOS, the operating system of the old computers if you are a real oldie, you must have used it, it was replaced by Microsoft Windows.

  • Fat monitors?Resultado de imagen para display old

The monitors at that time were as followsIn the past, the idea of having a slim monitor like today's was unthinkable. 

  • Ares 

Resultado de imagen para ares software

That program where you downloaded a song and you got 100 spyware, one thousand hackers and one Andrea, if you used this program it was a virus for sure.

  • Nokia

Resultado de imagen para nokia old

The old Nokia was the brand of the momentToday only a few of us know these fabulous cell phones and the sensation they were in their time. 


  • Giant music player

Resultado de imagen para discman

the old discman, were portable CD playerseventually replaced by Apple's iPods.

  • Mouse with ballcomputer, technology, camera, mouse, product, electronics, glasses, ball, hardware, pc, multimedia, computer mouse, cameras optics, electronic device, electronics accessory, old hardware

  • The old mice had a ball in the center. instead of a sensor, the old ones were kept by removing this little ball

I hope you have identified with us and don't forget to leave us your comments. 

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