Download GIMP alternative to photoshop for Windows, Mac or Linux
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Download GIMP alternative to photoshop for Windows, Mac or Linux


Software Type: Imagen editor

License: Public, Free and Free Software. GPLv3

Difficulty: Half

Payment alternative: Adobe Photoshop 

scheduled in:C 

Release date: 15 February 1996

Developed by: The GIMP Development Team


What is GIMP?

GIMP is an application or image editing software for a bitmap in pixels, it is free software and open source, that is, you can make modifications and see how it is programmed, you can do things at the level of Adobe Photoshop since it is its alternative payment.


Software images:

Image result for GIMP

Image result for GIMP

Software Score

Download GIMP for Windows


Download GIMP for MacOS

Download GIMP for Linux

Debian and derivatives. Ubuntu, Linux Mint

Add the repository and

1) sudo add-apt-repository ppa: otto-kesselgulasch / gimp
Update the system
2) sudo apt-get update
Install GIMP
3) sudo apt-get install gimp
Click HERE if it does not work
Download the GIMP code on GitHub

Image result for github


Download GIMP for windows

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