Download Audacity for Windows, Mac Or Linux. Without virus. NO VIRUS
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Download Audacity for Windows, Mac Or Linux. Without virus. NO VIRUS

1047 Puntos de vista
Software Score

Software type: Audio Edition

License: Public, Free and OpenSource

Difficulty: Normal

Alternative: Adobe Audition

Programmed: C y C++

Release dateo: Mayo del 2000

Developers: Audacity team


What is Audacity?

Audacity is a software of audio editor. It is multiplatform. It is OpenSource. It is Free software. Altenartive to Adobe Audition.



Software images:

Resultado de imagen para Audacity

Resultado de imagen para Audacity

Download Audacity for Windows 


Download Audacity For Mac 

Download Audacity For Linux 

Debian derivatives, Ubuntu, Linux Mint


apt-get install audacity
Click HERE if it does not work

Download Audacity Code In GitHUB

Resultado de imagen para GITHUB



How to download Audacity For Windows

Explication in spanish:


How to download Audacity for Linux

Explication in Spanish

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