Donwload GIMP - Alternative to Photoshop for Windows, Mac Or Linux - FileTech Emprendimiento digital, Tutoriales y Tecnología
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Donwload GIMP – Alternative to Photoshop for Windows, Mac Or Linux

1839 Vistas

Software type: Image Edition

License: Public, Free and OpenSource GPLv3

Difficulty: Normal

Alternative: Adobe Photoshop 

Programmed: C 

Release dateo: 15 February 1996

Developers: The GIMP Development Team


What is GIMP?


GIMP is a software of Image editor. It is multiplatform. It is OpenSource. It is Free software. Altenartive to Adobe Photoshop.


Software images:

Resultado de imagen para GIMP

Resultado de imagen para GIMP


Software Score

Donwload GIMP for Windows


Download GIMP FOR MacOs

Download GIMP For Linux

Debian derivates. Ubuntu, Linux Mint

Add Repository

1) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp
Update system
2) sudo apt-get update
Install GIMP
3) sudo apt-get install gimp
Click HERE if it does not work
Download GIMP CODE In GitHub

Resultado de imagen para github


Explication in Spanish

Esta altura div necesaria para habilitar la barra lateral pegajosa