
▷ How to SEARCH FILES in GOOGLE (PDF, Word, Excel and more)

files on google

Do you know how to search for files on Google? With the formats or extension PDF, Word docx, Excel xlsx, Power Point pptx, Photoshop PSD, or other formats. The largest Internet search engine called google allows you to do certain types of searches with commands, to improve the user experience, it is illogical that if you want to search exclusively for a book in PDF you will find pages that talk about that book, you want the book in PDF

Remember that most likely you will not find illegal content, if a book is sold on amazon or ebook pages, Google excluding pages with illegal content, it is best that you buy the book, ebooks are usually at discounts and at a very low price economical, but there are free books that we can look for in these ways. 



Filetype Command

El comando filetype puede ayudarlo a encontrar documentos, xls, pdf y otro contenido de formato específico. Para usarlo, debe ingresar: filetype”Tipo de archivo: Formato + Palabra clave”. Por ejemplo, cuando pones: “filetype: pdf link building”, obtendrás el resultado de un archivo PDF que contiene la palabra link building.

How to search for files on Google?

First we must think about what format we want to look for, if it is a PDF book, article, or an apa format of word templates, or an excel account template. 

Once the format that we are going to look for is defined, we open www.google.com

How to search for books on Google?

In google we will put the following command. 

filetype:pdf book name 

How to search for articles, theses, documents in PDF?

In general, how to search for any PDF posted in google

filetype:pdf name of the article or document

How to search Word docx documents in Google?

It is the same mechanics but now we change pdf with the Word format



filetype:docx Document name 

How to search excel xlsx in Google?

the excel format is xlsx

filetype:xlsx account

How to search for power point in google?

The power point format is pptx 

filetype: pptx presentation 

How to search any extension in Google?

We have covered the most important formats, but if you want to search for more formats you can do it, all you have to do is know the name of your format, right click and properties, there it will mention the name of the extension that you must put in google 


